Dear beloved and honorable subscriber, I have been bedridden since Saturday with a vicious case of the flu that you could not believe. No, it is not Covid, this I assure you, but irrespective of what it is I’ve been sidelined. Incredibly. My apologies for my absence. Will be back.
Learn more about the essence of our existence, and the link between authenticity and the soul and discover the source of your greatest power.
What is the Soul?
Groups of 5 friends became a thing after Mathew Perry passed.
Friends never die, they only change form.
Do you have a group of four friends that all get along…you’re in the Friends club.
forever and ever
Do you have four friends who all care about you and one another? Give thanks.
I am grateful for my friends.
A dog is man’s best friend.
everyone applauds.
the truth
A man lying on the couch talking to the doctor.
My best friend is my dog.
I play with rubber duckies but at least I take a bath.
me and rubber duckie
are squeaky clean
Rubber Duckie
making bathtime ‘so much fun’
since the 1940’s
In the 1940s, there was a sculptor named Peter Ganine who created a sculpture of a duck and with the invention of rubber and his lightweight design, he decided he was going to patent the toy, have them made in a factory, and sell them in many stores across the world. He made and sold over 50 million rubber duckies! The rest is history!
Since the 1940s, the rubber ducky can be seen everywhere, from the tub to Queen Elizabeth’s bathroom! It was reported in 2001 that Queen Elizabeth II had a rubber ducky wearing a crown in her bathroom. When this was reported, rubber duckies were sold even MORE in the United Kingdom.
Playbees Assortment Rubber Duck Toy Duckies for Kids – 25 Pack – Sensory Play, Stress Relief, Stocking Stuffers, Bath Birthday Gifts Baby Showers Classroom Incentives, Summer Beach and Pool Activity
think of how much fun
how many personalities
how many combinations of characters
if you actually play with these cute duckies
Would Jazz be good at teaching kids how to swim?
Would that be fun?
Young kids, toddlers, older kids.
Playing games.
being safe
Parents too.
eye contact
feeling good
incentive to get in better shape
feeling good in the water
eating more fruit
keeping the skin moist
outdoor showers, keep the suit on
Parents are very appreciative.
The kids learn and improve.
The kids make friends.
a short little series
So, kids will learn to swim, ask to learn to swim, and have fun swimming.
Swimming is good for kids with body dysmorphia which includes all learning disabilities, cancer, autism, and well kids with high IQ and strength…if you are weak or strong…healthy or in need of therapy…swimming is social, it’s life sustaining, it’s fun.
manners and good attitude
time to clean up and get ready to go
sing in the car
or read
get ready
time to go, good attitude
even if you don’t want to it’s time to go
thank you
see you next time
let’s go eat a healthy snack
plant that seed before you are home
when we get home we are going to…
smooth outing
good example
on the way home
What did you like best?
You are getting stronger.
I like to see you swim.
That was fun, I had a good time. How was it for you?
Jazz expresses to friends how fun, how funny it is to work with young people, and they give Jazz encouragement.
When the classes are over, the kids make pictures and give them to Jazz.
Now the kids can swim.
included…manners, responsibility, healthy food, activity, social skills, rules, accomplishment, listening, leadership skills (Jazz), parenting skills.
spot light
Be in harmony with your own heart.
You are, I am, we are, a work of art.
We are the gays, we are the people.
We are the ones to make a brighter day.
so keep on singing.
There’s a choice were making,
we’re living our own lives.
It’s true were queer, trans and gay,
and it’s a brighter day.
I’m straight, I’m straight, I’m straight, but I don’t hate.
I’m straight, no hate. NO, I don’t want to date…I said, I’m straight.
There is no debate, I’m straight, straight, straight, straight, straight, straight, straight,
that is my fate. la la la la de da
She’s a lady, talking about a little lady,
and I’m a lesbian.
and it’s all right, and it’s coming on, we gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good.
Love can be strong.
Love is a many splendid thing.
Somebody say that again.
Keep smiling, keep shining.
That’s what friends are for.
The best relationships, the ones that last, are based upon friendship, ordinary friendship that is truly a blessing, an extraordinary gift that we give ourselves, when we become friends.
Can we bring a food truck to the border, how about a lemonade stand?
Some music?
Would that be dangerous?
All up and down the coast of the USA, the borders are full of hungry people and trash.
Why not bring in food, trash cans, entertainment…rumor has it they have money.
Borderline Beat
How do we inject the right things and help people live and learn, without creating undo chaos and dictatorship?
How do we appreciate the human mind/body connection, instilling in others virtue rather than hatred and greed?
Dream Nails are flipping the script of what punk looks like
Simone Casarotti shares debut single Magic Boy
Frank Ocean teases new music with a one-minute preview
The Queers are singing carols for Christmas.
They dress up, in outfits so gay.
The sing and dance, the night away,
they’re happy and they like it that way.
The Queers are singing carols for Christmas.
They sound so wonderful.
It’s a wonderful winter wonderland of snow.
The Queers are singing, hear them go…
At the S T A R
We love to wish on the…S T A R
We can have a good time,
we can wish as we like,
this is what gay light
feels like…
this is what gay light…
feels like.
Gay light for everyone.
Light is light,
it shines so bright,
it fills us up,
with great insight.
this Queer Light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine.
So let your Queer Light shine,
face it with a grin.
We will never die out,
we are just begin…
ning to Shine.
We are Queer and we know it.
Celebrate, and show it.
They’re a little bit queer, but, they’re fun.
I think I like them, I really think I like them.
They dress up oh so fine.
They keep the beat just fine.
They’re a queer family.
I never heard of that.
Well, well, well.
It is a New Year.
It’s a Queer world after all.
Go on, off with you.
sometimes when people travel they get bombarded with gases in the air and their body takes on more bacteria and other things that produce symptoms as the body cleanses.
Take a shower, take a bath, listen to something that makes you laugh.
See a nature show, an elephant, a giraffe,
a monkey, a lion,
how about that?
Do something simple, take a nap.
Breath in and out,
make the moment last.
Black Friday is here! You could go to Target and get a great deal on a women’s swimsuit with a penis pouch 😂🙈….. or you could buy tickets to the most patriotic music gatherings in the world! Hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving, God Bless. -Kid Rock
It’s true.
The word penis is now a word.
The Penis
What a concept.
It is rather silly and awkward, and new, but you can buy a bathing suite with a penis pouch, at Target. Okay
People have bought stranger things.
penis pouches
What will they think of next?
Let’s not be rude,
country music is about manners.
Every farmer knows human nature, which is why the robot institution doesn’t want farm animals. People fall in love with farm animals. The ducks are as excited to be fed as the goats. The sheep really do flock together and the mothers suckle their young.
What was that explosion?
What is the smell in the air?
What’s up with the clouds in the sky?
What’s going on in Florence Arizona?
What are those strange sounds?
What are those lights in the sky?
What just went flying by?
How does that plane fly vertically with all that white air coming out in stripes behind it?
What’s happening?
Sounds, like deep hollow sounds, and then high frequencies.
Planes, trails, and X’s oh my!
Rockets, sky jabs, thick air…good gracious me.
The Illinois Sheriffs’ Association (ISA) is extremely disappointed in the passage and enactment of HB 5471, that further regulates and limits the purchase of a variety of weapons for lawful gun owners.
The ISA has opposed this legislation throughout its development and remains opposed to the bill as passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. We, as a representative of chief law enforcement officials throughout Illinois, are very concerned and disturbed by the ongoing and escalating violence throughout our State and Country.
We are always supportive of new tools, techniques and laws that assist us in preventing and holding accountable those that wage efforts of harm and violence on others.
However, this new law does not do that. We will continue to advocate on behalf Sheriffs and the law-abiding citizens throughout Illinois.
Join Kim as she discusses how planet earth has evolved over the last billion years. Starting from the time of “No Time” to a few million years ago, the battle for planet earth and the battle between good and evil explained. History you won’t hear anywhere else.
In the first year of the pandemic, the number of people in prisons dropped by 15% in 2020, and jail populations fell by 25% by the summer of 2020, according to the Prison Policy Initiative.
Lock down…and prisons are related. All energy is conserved.
As of midyear 2022, the BJS found that local jails held 4% more people than in 2021 and 21% more than at midyear 2020.
Texas in particular reached a new all-time high in the number of people incarcerated in local jails, due in large part to the increased use of unaffordable bonds, said Jacob Kang-Brown.
Most people in jail are not convicted of anything.
Data from the BJS reveals that, as of midyear 2022, at least 30% (or 197,000 people) of the jail population was convicted. They were in jail either serving a sentence or awaiting sentencing on a conviction, the report said.
Meanwhile, at least 69% (or 466,100 people) in jail were not convicted of anything. They were either awaiting court action on a current charge or held in jail for other reasons.
“From Maine to Oregon, we get reports of people sitting in jail for weeks and months, waiting to get a lawyer assigned to their case. So many incarcerated individuals — who are presumed innocent — are serving time for a crime for which they have yet to stand trial,” Hoffman said in a statement to NPR.
The report also showed that from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, people booked in jail spent an average of 32 days in custody before getting released, longer than the 23-day average a decade prior.
Illinois Sheriffs’ Association
January 11 ·
The Illinois Sheriffs’ Association (ISA) is extremely disappointed in the passage and enactment of HB 5471, that further regulates and limits the purchase of a variety of weapons for lawful gun owners.
The ISA has opposed this legislation throughout its development and remains opposed to the bill as passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. We, as a representative of chief law enforcement officials throughout Illinois, are very concerned and disturbed by the ongoing and escalating violence throughout our State and Country.
We are always supportive of new tools, techniques and laws that assist us in preventing and holding accountable those that wage efforts of harm and violence on others.
However, this new law does not do that. We will continue to advocate on behalf Sheriffs and the law-abiding citizens throughout Illinois. Link to the full bill:
Why does Biden look like Emenem?
The headmaster required it of every student. They were to stand in front of hundreds of their classmates and speak on a topic for several minutes — a lifetime for many.
These assemblies were held every week at Archmere Academy, a school with rigorous academics and strict priests. Decades later, some alumni say they still have nightmares about those speeches.
During the 1957-1958 school year, the headmaster allowed only one boy to not make the speech.
His name was Joe Biden, and he had a terrible stutter.
Biden was teased throughout his childhood about his stutter, an impediment he watched cripple the ambitions of a beloved uncle.
Biden was called Joe Impedimenta, Dash and Stutterhead by classmates. A teacher once called him “Mr. Bu-bu-bu-bu-Biden” in front of other students. More than 60 years later, Biden has described these painful memories, often in vivid detail.
Starting at age 10, Biden would stare out of his window before bed each night and dream of attending Archmere Academy, he wrote in his memoir, “Promises to Keep.”
When he was accepted, he worked on the school’s grounds crew to help offset the cost of tuition for his family.
Uncle Boo Boo, as he was called, was the only college-educated person in the house, yet he used his stuttering as a crutch for why he never became successful, Biden wrote in his memoir.
During all this, Biden watched his uncle’s severe stutter deter him from going to medical school. Edward Finnegan
There was an old man named Micheal Finnegan,
he grew whiskers on his chin again.
The wind came up and blew them in again.
Poor old Micheal Finnegan,
begin again…
In his room every night, equipped with a flashlight, Biden recited passages written by W.B. Yeats and Ralph Waldo Emerson. He would say them over and over to gain a rhythm.
As he read the passages — which he continues to quote 60 years later — he studied the muscles in his face that contorted when he stuttered. At one point of desperation, he put pebbles in his mouth to practice elocution — a trick he read worked for the great Greek orator Demosthenes.
It’s important to teach many skills, reading, writing, speaking, acting, dancing, sports, storytelling, so that each individual can bring their strengths out.
Outdoor Therapy
Outdoor fun.
Let’s get out in nature, the energy is healing.
Dr. Heather Grossman, director of the American Institute of Stuttering, said about 10 percent of Americans struggle with a stutter at some point as children. Three-quarters of them recover as adults.
You can…
I can…
We can…
get in shape…
Learn something old.
Learn something new.
Say it.
Say you want it.
Be, do and have…
what you know
you would love to…
be, do and have.
“Knowledge is power. Power to do evil…or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So, knowledge itself is not evil.”
― Veronica Roth, Allegiant
Those who have a stutter hate to read prepared remarks.
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”
― Theodore Roosevelt
Make a list of what you care about.
Things that matter to me.
past, present, future
If you look at what you used to care about you will see how much you have changed and have better insights into your current support systems and challenging forces.
Starseeds Panel at the Conscious Life Expo 2023
Conscious Life Expo
Whose words, my words.
a starseed
I must be a star.
We are stars in the making.
Star light, star bright,
I love you.
Your words are like honey dripping from your lips.
I love to hear you speak.
I am multi dimension.
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.”
― Maya Angelou
Dr Demartini is often asked for input on how to deal with bullying. It may surprise you to hear that his response focuses on balancing your perceptions of being bullied.
The Dual Nature of Bullying – The Demartini Show
Episode 214 • 15th December 2023 • The Demartini Show • Dr John Demartini
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
Well, it seems to me that the best relationships – the ones that last – are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship.
“Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can’t figure out what from.”
― Mae West
“If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.”
― Nicholas Sparks
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
It’s happening.
“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”
― Mark Twain
“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Okay, that’s kind of weird.
Sometimes it’s best just to let things decay on their own.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”
― Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
read that again
Influenza (also Colds) – Rife Frequencies
muy bien
Lazze Faire
move slowly
Take It Easy
This is what you gotta do, you gotta fly to the moon, do you get it? Like, travel, in your spirit, to the moon and back. Ready, set, go…here we go…and we’re sailing away.
Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra – Fingerstyle Guitar Cover by James Bartholomew
James Bartholomew
close your eyes and relax
you got this
Lionel Media
Lionel Media is cutting edge, right now.
Lionel Media is amazing.
Lionel Media, what you never thought of, but need to know.
Lionel Media, everyday news.
Lionel Media, up to the moment.
We gotta speak up for all the people who have disorders,
the people who are seeking order, those who are not the distorter,
who destroys mortar. The sculpture in the leotards,
the die-hards. Those that measure yard and yard.
…and word and words. Endurance that comes,
in the dark of the night, by candlelight.
Souls burn bright. We speak, listen, read, learn,
tune in, tune out, tune in again.
We begin again and again,
and then once again, my friend.
This is a journey that has no end.
In-between we rest and relax,
we feel the past,
the future presses on,
just like a song,
and life begins anew.
This is dedicated to Lionel, who arises like the birds, right after dawn, to speak intelligence to the mockingbird media.
Lionel is coming round the tracks, choo, choo.
Train whistle blowing.
I don’t know everything; I use spell check.
Flu – Rife Frequency
Rife Force
Rife force to the rescue.
and the beat goes on…
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s deputy chief of staff, Cristina Pacione-Zayas, told The Chicago Tribune that bus companies are now no longer communicating about where they are dropping migrants in an effort to avoid city penalties.
In an effort to show the seriousness of the border crisis, some Republican governors have sent buses of asylum seekers to Democrat-controlled states and sanctuary cities. These Republicans argue the action is necessary to show the rest of the country what border states are dealing with due to the surge of migrants.
Conscious Life Expo
Conscious Life Expo 2024: Explore Spirituality, Ascension, …
Feb 9, 2011 · Welcome to the Annual Conscious Life Expo 2024 held every February, where we celebrate all things spiritual and metaphysical. Join us for an enlightening experience …
Awaken your consciousness.
Expand awareness.
Become more and more aware.
Demartini Institute
The Demartini Institute was founded in 1982 by human behavior specialist, Dr. John Demartini. It is dedicated to exploring and expanding human awareness and potential. It’s mission is to inspire people to become purposeful and disciplined masters of themselves and dedicated, inspired leaders of others. The Demartini Institut…
Location: 2800 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 5250, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2191, Gauteng
Followers: 1158
Phone: 011 011 9093
The Demartini Institute | Johannesburg – Facebook
phrases for kids this week
for adults to speak to young people
for kids to say to one another, when an authentic moment arises
post the phrases on the wall
recall these moments
You’re a great kid.
with eye contact
Hey, I appreciate you.
You are very special.
What a beautiful child you are!
I like the way you are behaving.
You have good manners.
good job
Thank you!
You can do it.
Can you help me?
Please give me a hand.
You are a good helper.
I have an important project.
Would you like to play….?
Recall is a skill to increase awareness.
The Seekers – I’ll Never Find Another You, A World Of Our Own 1965
I’ll never find another you.
When in pain, breathe and relax…it’s a mixture of in and out of control, the same works for pleasure.
Hold my hand…music to my ears.
Hold my heart in the beat of your stride, pulsate with me forever. Step with me into the resonation where nothing can take us apart.
We are the puzzle, put together, hung upon the wall for all to admire. A memory that few would even comprehend. Let alone treasure enough to daydream about.
We’ll build a world of our own, there will be peace of mind, in a world of our own.
Perhaps the children born in the 1940’s who were in their 20’s when the 60’s love fest began, didn’t get held a lot in the first few years, or maybe it was just all the new drugs, technology, and chemicals?
How many people born in the 50’s are alive and well today?
Alive…check…alive and well…that’s negotiable.
Here I am…and aren’t you glad I showed up.
Don’t make me be a Grump.
“A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
― Eric Micha’el Leventhal
Thank God is not an empty phrase, it has been echoed through the universe how many times, by how many people. Say it like you mean it.
Thank God!
Have you ever spontaneously said, “Thank God.”
Say it like you mean it.
3x’s…here we go.
Thank God
Thank God
Thank God
Turn to your neighbor…thank god you’re here.
Thank God you’re here.
Otherwise I’d be here all by myself.
Just kidding.
Seriously, let’s talk about being alone.
Who wants to go first.
Jesus was hanging on the cross.
He was not alone.
In our suffering, and Jesus has surpassed our suffering for us, we are not alone.
Love will keep us together.
Nothing can pull us apart.
This is the message between Jesus Christ and God Almighty, when the cross was erected and people came to mock the Savior.
He endured, he rose again, he was born to Rise.
We are born to endure, we can rise up and out of our…stinking thinking, our bad attitudes, our desperation and recognize the gifts we’ve been given.
When people are hanging by a thread, those that count their blessings, rise again.
Notice, the suffering, the ridicule, the endurance it takes, to be in a position, to rise again.
It’s not easy, to show someone you care.
The crowd mocks those that mock others or gossip together will one day attack together.
Be a learner, a seeker of knowledge, not a mockingbird.
Do not enjoy the suffering of others, do not throw trashy words and bad attitudes around even if…the King himself has ordered the Light to no longer shine.
Shine your light, before others, so that they will start to feel the light, so that they will shine and share their light with another and so on.
Be a lit candle, and if you’re candle is not lit, go find the light.
The B-I-B-L-E yes that’s the book for me.
Let’s circle around to loneliness.
The B- I- B- L- E yes that’s the book for me.
I stand where?
I stand alone…on what?
I stand alone on the word of God.
God is love.
Let’s make it simple.
Who do you want to me?
A person at the foot of the cross throwing stones of ignorance or…
A Light in the darkness for those who are lost, for those who seek a higher Light…
It takes work to shine, to have the right attitude, to discipline yourself to be balanced…a little bit of B I B L E time.
Thank you for being here.
The baby in the manger was born for you, give thanks.
ancient writings from the days of Christ…the people were deep, insightful, good people.
correspondence between friends…
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. For I rejoiced greatly when others came and testified truth, as indeed we walk in the truth. There is no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
This is a good attitude.
It’s not a difficult message to digest, it’s not so easy to live it.
…good health, to go well with your soul, to rejoice with more and more energy, to speak the truth, to share, and to know that the children appreciate the truth…these are ancient teachings…we human beings are pretty amazing, thank who?
Thank God.
God is love.
God is the creation. God is the I am that I am.
And God sent who?
Jesus Christ
The spirit of Jesus Christ is here right now.
All you do is say the name…. Christ.
The Light of Christ.
The Love of…. Christ.
The Power of …Christ.
The Blessing of…Christ.
The wonders of…Christ.
What’s the first name?
Jesus who?
Jesus Christ
What took place between Baby Jesus and Jesus Christ?
A lot of love, a lot of adventures, a lot of patience, a lot of learning, healing, prayer, parables, time, tenderness, courage, strength…are you hearing me…that’s life.
Who do we thank?
Thank God
for what?
The Light of Love
The love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ
Who else do we thank?
Who else are we grateful for?
Look around you.
One another.
Give thanks for yourself, others and God.
The Christmas Story is the story of the greatest gift that has ever been given.
The gift of love and light.
and we all have love and light to give
We are born in love, created in love, and infused with the love and light of Christ.
Feel it.
Be christ like means to be like light.
Your prayers travel at the speed of light.
Your love can move mountains.
Your intentions followed by your behavior can change lives.
You have the great and mighty connection to the greatest resource of all, the light of Christ that runs through your veins, pumps your beating heart, energizing the world.
The old children’s song, “Oh who can make a flower, I’m sure I can’t, can you?…reminds us how small we are, if creation were left up to any one of us, we’d be stumbling, but through the light of Christ, we are one, we are whole, we are perfect in Gods eyes, for we are children of God Almighty.
The more we act and behave through gratitude of the gifts and challenges we’ve been given, the more we connect with a higher awareness and in this way, we practice our faith.
The holidays are a special time for thanks and gratitude, to one another, and most of all, to the power that heals, forgives and inspires us all.
Jesus Christ
Oh, Holy Night
for Christ the Savior is born
What glorious news, and the angels sang.
Take a breath.
a deep breath
Thank you.
In the blessing of the moment, right now, we rejoice.
“The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.”
― C.S. Lewis
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”
― C.S. Lewis
too shay brother
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
― Isaac Asimov
Be a wisdom pusher, push wisdom, in wise ways.
Be wise, just don’t be a wise guy.
Wisdom Keeper
Soul Seeker
“The Seven Social Sins are:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle.
From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.”
― Frederick Lewis Donaldson
Love to you! Probiotics, fluids, rest, Roberta Flack.
Take care, feel better soon!
I wish you a good and quick recovery.
Vitamin C, Vitamin d, Quercetin, Zinc, and a dram of Bushmills…and you will feel better…or you will feel nothing much.
Love you, Lionel. Get well soon. We miss you!
Take your time. Take a week….take three.
Heal up.
Lemon and honey…
Let your wife fawn over you.
Praying for you.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
The number of flu cases decreased during COVID. Discuss.
Geo engineering
Eyes: Chronic conjunctivitis, early cataracts
Respiratory tracts: Obstructive illness, pulmonary fibrosis, TB, and chronic bronchitis
Neurological system: Memory loss, motor skills impairment, numbness, etc.
Children’s health: Failure to develop, intellectual disability.
The events in Bhopal showed us that rapid industrialization in underdeveloped nations without keeping safety laws in mind may have disastrous repercussions. The incident illustrated how localized issues like industrial dangers and chemical pollution are frequently linked to global market forces.
Methane is the simplest representative of the alkanes. This group of organic compounds is called saturated or paraffin hydrocarbons. They have a simple bond between the carbon atoms in the molecule, and the other valencies of each carbon atom are saturated with hydrogen atoms. The most important reaction of alkanes is combustion. Alkanes burn with the formation of water vapor and gaseous carbon dioxide. As a result of this reaction, chemical energy is released in huge quantities, which can be transformed into electrical or thermal energy.
Is this how they are measuring for their green new deal?
This is hurting people.
Just because it doesn’t kill directly, and it is lawful to say there is no treatment, doesn’t make it cruel.
Is this the Chinese?
1 molecule of methane in an interaction with 2 molecules of oxygen forms 1 molecule of carbon dioxide and 2 molecules of water. In the reaction process heat energy is released equivalent to 891 kJ. Natural gas is the purest gas for burning, which has a simple composition and does not release harmful chemicals into the air until it falls down to the ground picking up all kinds of pathogens and solvents.
What was the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred after a gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide facility on the night of December 2-3, 1984. Methylisocyanate gas was released, killing many individuals and exposing a lot more.
What caused the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?
Water was suspected to have entered a side pipe and into Tank E610 during the late evening hours of December 2, 1984. Tank E610 housed the 42 tons of MIC that had been there since late October. When the water got added to the tank, it triggered a runaway exothermic reaction. The reaction was amplified by pollutants, high ambient temperatures, and a variety of other conditions, including the presence of iron from corroding pipelines.
Pesticides are made from methyl isocyanate, a colorless liquid. When properly maintained, MIC is completely safe. When the compounds in MIC are exposed to water, they react with one another, creating a heat reaction. Although it is no longer manufactured, methyl isocyanate is still utilized in insecticides.
Round up
secret ingredient
In 45 to 60 minutes, about 30 tons of MIC were released into the atmosphere from the tank. Within two hours, this amount rose to 40 tons. All the fumes were blowing towards Bhopal. The majority of city inhabitants became aware of the leak either by being exposed to the gas or by opening their doors to investigate the disturbance. Coughing, acute eye irritation, a sense of suffocation, burning in the respiratory system, stomach aches, and vomiting were the first symptoms of exposure. People who were awoken by these symptoms ran away from the plant. This worsened the situation. The more the people ran, the more they inhaled the toxic air.
Are the people even told to stay indoors and why?
The air is a mess.
The noises…the ringing…the heavy metal taste…the lungs…the heart problems and strokes.
India, UCC, and the United States commenced. In March 1985, the government approved the Bhopal Gas Leak Act, allowing it to act as the legal advocate for victims. The UCC offered India a $5 million assistance fund, but the government rejected it and requested $3.3 billion instead.
It was all about the money.
Chemical trails
Acute eye irritation
A sense of suffocation
Burning in the respiratory system
Stomach aches
Vomiting was the first symptom of exposure
Thanks for the update.
Methane exposure, particularly when experienced in high concentrations, can lead to methane poisoning. While it is considered relatively non-toxic, its primary threat is that it functions as an asphyxiant, similar to the threat posed by carbon monoxide exposure. When inhaled, it displaces ambient air, thus depriving the body of oxygen.
Why the hell is China playing around with methane. It looks like chem trails, they better not be using these rockets in Florence Arizona or the USA.
The Zhuque-2 is China’s first medium and large-size liquid rocket with liquid oxygen and methane as propellant. It is independently developed by LandSpace, and provides low-cost and highly reliable launch services to meet the commercial launch requirements in multiple scenarios.
Liquid oxygen-methane fuel is a type of rocket propellant formed by liquid oxygen and methane, the latter of which is the main component of natural gas.
It looks like rocket fuel all over the sky.
Usually methane is not harmful; however, it can cause asphyxiation by reducing the percentage of O2 in a sealed room. This may explain the reason why the patient lost consciousness. The case exposed methane gas accidentally in a medical gas supply room. Even a 1-minute exposure to a high concentration of methane gas in a sealed room was enough to cause loss of consciousness. There was a case report that describes induced hypothermia used as a treatment for comatose state in a patient with asphyxia caused gas intoxication including methane. However, there was no established treatment for methane intoxication.
no treatment
this is such bullshit
Rest easy dear Lionel.
Take care of yourself, boss