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Soon Sayonara AG Bill Barr continued with his stink eye diss of President Trump, saying today that he saw no reason to appoint special counsels to investigate JB’s debauched son or any, get this, unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud. You can’t make this up. Dear Gawd, they do this with a straight face to our face and nothing happens....
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Social media platforms (in effect utilities versus private tech concerns) now apply their own homemade definition of “truth obscenity,” wherein information that lacks literary, artistic, political or scientific (LAPS) value (determined by them, natch) will be shut down.    
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The United States of America by and through its law enforcement and legislative tribunals and agencies refuses to do anything to affirmatively address blatant corruption, espionage, collusion and infiltration by, through and with the People’s Republic of China and CPC. Why?
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