
January 2021
Let me explain how this works. It’s quite simple actually. Social media platforms won’t let you speak the truth as to certain subjects. That simple. There are certain thoughts and beliefs that simply are not tolerated in any form on social media. That’s what LionelMedia is about. I’ll save the pitch and list the links....
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Behold Bentham’s Panopticon.  Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher and social theorist in the mid-1700s, invented a social control mechanism that would become a comprehensive symbol for modern authority and discipline in the western world: a prison system called the Panopticon. The basic principle for the design, which Bentham first completed in 1785, was to monitor the...
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“Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”  ― Thomas Love Peacock View this email in your browser I’ve a brand new subscription channel. A new platform. A new paid subscription membership. It’s not on any social media...
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