Kamala Hits the Border and America Screams in Laughter

29 SEP 2024. This makes all the sense in the world. Sadly.

🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 on X (formerly Twitter): “As is. This. pic.twitter.com/8KcoRwNRby / X”

As is. This. pic.twitter.com/8KcoRwNRby

Brilliant. The “Dear Alcohol” remix, particularly the mega remix released in April 2024, features an ensemble of artists including Dax, Atlus, Kelsie Watts, Carly Pearl, and several others, collaboratively exploring themes of addiction, mental health, and the emotional complexities tied to alcohol use. This remix has been celebrated for its impactful lyrics and diverse musical contributions, aiming to resonate with listeners by sharing personal narratives around the struggle with alcohol, from the temporary escape it offers to the deeper, often painful realities it masks. The song’s success, marked by going platinum and amassing millions of streams, underscores its significance in contemporary music as a piece that not only entertains but also initiates conversations about addiction and recovery, fostering a sense of community and understanding among those affected.

Dax – “Dear Alcohol” (MEGA REMIX) [ft. Atlus, Kelsie Watts, SkyDxddy, Phix, Kayla Rae & MORE]

Like, Comment, Share, and let’s make an IMPACT with music made FOR THE PEOPLE, spread BY THE PEOPLE…can’t wait to read what you all think about this ensemble of ABSOLUTELY AMAZING talent. ‘Dear Alcohol” is still making an IMPACT and its my pleasure to have all these phenomenal artists on this MEGA REMIX!

About the author

Truth warriors and verity sentries, the primary political focus of this channel initially pivoted decidedly towards the 2020 “election.” And how couldn’t it? The CV1984 claptrap is prolix and dutiful and woke heteroclite psephologists are now zeroing attention to address the incomprehensible (now) reality: a Joe Biden presidency. That simple. And I’ve (again) one focus, scilicet unabashed unvarnished naked truth. Join us. Mother America is under attack ideologically and spiritually by an enemy determined to destroy Her foundation and essential principles. This is an existential fight and as such requires the commitment of a new centurion, a heteroclite truth warrior committed to protecting our constitutional republic. But it’s a new war and a new enemy. Political left and right are dead. Liberal versus conservative might have made sense during the Reagan epoch but not now.

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6 Responses
  1. Doobies Taxiola


    What the hell is contained in this fire? Most of the fallout will be over the South Carolina and that region.

  2. Doobies Taxiola

    Dolton/Thornton Twp update. Trina is going to begin civil RICO proceedings soon. I think you all can tolerate this video update. RICO is also going to be utilized on a bunch of people soon. ROUND EM UP!

  3. Doobies Taxiola

    Look Lionel, I am really trying hard with you on the Dolton case. You cannot just read a drive-by media report of it. They are still going on about the Amazon shit. We are WAY past that point. That address on Harvey was foreclosed on in July. She hasn’t lived there for over a year actually, as she is staying in a rented apartment in a nearby town. How do I know this information you may inquire? I know her address on record, looked it up on the Google machine and found a house listed, looked that up on the Google Earth, 3D’d it and did the timeline they offer. Before 2024 you will see a black Chevrolet Tahoe parked backed into the lot. That is Big Tiff’s Tahoe, remember them calling her “Tahoe Tiff”? Then you scroll over to current timeline, no vehicle and the house is for Auction by the bank that foreclosed on it. She moved because of security reasons.

    For you to honestly do a deeper dive on Dolton and to really educate your listeners about it, you must get away from the usual reporting. WGN and the others have an interest to keep the bullshit going for their viewership. Also, one of the reporter’s father’s son is related to Tiffany. That is why I have directed you to Trina Downs and explore the others that have kept the documentation, history and knows where the bodies are located. When they accuse you of working for Tiffany then you know for sure in Dolton you are over your target. It’s akin to taking flack. But over there, they harass you, threaten you and sick the police on you. They deploy through the Trustee Advisor the Cult of Monkey as I come to know it. Jedidiah and his absolute insanity as well as Avant the corrupted dirty ex-Chicago cop that is running for election too. They all have to go for that area and place to heal properly. I will warn you, too much time spent there will result in your energy levels being depleted. There is so much going on, they are not thinking about the possible nuclear war coming, or asteroids hitting the planet or 666 all over the place. Nah, they are mostly centered on trying to live and not be overlorded by greedy niggers. They will call them that and have. We have finally got the word Ghetto being used again in the lexicon in Dolton to describe the situation, as well as my word “Plantation Politics”. Keep them where you need them and perpetually poor. I know Trina can be hard to take, but let me tell you personally speaking, she is a wonderful person and knows her shit back and forth. She will NOT allow them to move without notice. She is a former US Army soldier and has children and owns her own home in Dolton/South Holland. She maybe a Democrat, but she sure the hell is no Kamala supporter or in that vein line of. They have a word in Dolton called “poli-tricks”, playing tricks with politics or being a trick for it. No more electing whores of the plantation either. In fact, this mother has come under new management intentions are to OWN it.

    On a separate topic, Turbo cancers.
    SV40 in the vaccines. How many vaccines have it currently? Does the dose matter? So many variables to consider but the levels of carcinogens in food, water and air is astronomically high. It’s done on purpose; you cannot prove me wrong in that. They know damned well what they are putting into the air, food and water. They have been doing it for over 30 years or more. So, it stands to reason, our generation, the Baby Boomers especially, and Gen Z will suffer that fate eventually in one form or the other. The other side of it is creation of a vaccine that will eliminate cancers, but why give that to the people who you want gone? They have had that patented since the 1960ish era. But because they serve Satan basically, they just kill with it or use it for experimental reasons and scare the public into getting it. When I told you these people are a death cult, I meant it. The UN, Greenies and those in Europe are insane in the membrane and yet so intelligent to fund a super collider. Some of it is brilliant, but we have yet to be told what benefit to this planet or people and animals on it does it bring? Why the hell does it exist??

  4. Doobies Taxiola

    The federal government should make striking illegal if your jobs are VITAL to our national security and supply. Who else do you suppose they will ship in when they strike at the docks?

  5. Doobies Taxiola

    You have put my mind and soul at ease Mr. L. I trust your accurate assessments that we WILL win this. I am just seeing 666 all week and I was about killed twice in auto accidents. Get out of my way Satan, NOT THIS YEAR OR EVER! VAHALLA!!!