
Tomorrow. It’s not just an election; it will determine the next 25 years of the course of our constitutional republic. That simple. One day until Armageddon.   Twitter graffiti. During the course of dedicated microblogging ventures via Twitter, I’ve issued agglomerations of individual tweet thought quantum morsels and idea orts on a panoply of subjects in quotidian frequency...
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Dinesh D’Souza is a prominent writer, scholar, conservative intellectual and an award-winning filmmaker. His latest installment is “Trump Card” and he sits down to discuss it with me. Trailer and Website
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Twitter graffiti. During the course of my dedicated microblogging ventures via Twitter, I’ve issued smatterings of individual tweet thought morsels and orts on a panoply of subjects in quotidian frequency and in machine gun splatter and slumgullion gumbo randomness. They’re connected in theme at times but represent tiles of the mosaic. Put together or individually they enjoy a...
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During the course of microblogging ventures via Twitter, I’ve issued a smattering of individual tweet glyphs on a variety of subjects in quotidian frequency and in machinegun sputter and randomness. They’re connected in theme at times but represent tiles of the mosaic. Put together there may appear to be a message. Individually they enjoy singularity...
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Enough with the analysis. The navel gazing, or omphaloskepsis, if preferred. The incessant diagnoses of Trump as bully or even Basement Joe as demented and wired for sound and floating in an Adderall-induced MKUltra adult swim. They may in fact be true but they’re irrelevant. This election is in the process of being stolen and these...
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President Trump won the debate. This is obvious to all who watched whatever that was. Phrased  differently, are you telling me Biden won? Joe Biden. That doddering coot. The curmudgeon and senescent dotard, hobbled by decrepitude and wizened. Shot up with an Adderall and B-12 cocktail. Straight, no chaser. A man chained to a radiator in...
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If only they knew what they were talking about. SCOTUS is the least understood governmental/juridical function fervently and vociferously argued and discussed by the least aware contingent of the least focused. As with diets, nutrition, science, politics, American history, Darwinian mechanics, the Bible, religion, particle physics and cosmology — Americans assume an unearned conversance with...
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“The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” — Tench Coxe It’s as bad as it seems. There’s no way to explicate the insanity extant without sounding redundant and...
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 1. Turn the police and military against the citizens for the slightest of transgressions to let them know that the last vestige of freedom they enjoyed has now been crushed under the bootheel of the statist gendarmerie.  2. Employ the doctrine of learned helplessness to create in the public the inability to predict and understand clearly what...
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